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Updated: Sep 30, 2023

What Are Boundaries?

Boundaries are the psychological, emotional, and sometimes physical limits or lines that individuals establish to define their personal space, protect their well-being, and maintain a sense of autonomy and self-respect. Boundaries can be created in various aspects of life, including relationships, work, and personal space.

Feet at a boundary on the ground
Physical Boundary

When we set boundaries with people in our lives, we are courageously declaring that we will honor our own needs at the risk of disappointing others. We teach others how to treat us and setting boundaries is a very powerful way to let others know what we will tolerate and what we will not.

Did you know that children from dysfunctional families may be more prone to having difficulty establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries? Boundary development is a complex process influenced by many factors, including family dynamics, individual personality, social interactions, and personal experiences.

Steps to set boundaries
Setting Boundaries

Considering that 80% of adults consider their families dysfunctional on some level, it is reasonable to assume the vast majority struggles with setting firm boundaries.

However, with self-awareness, therapy, and personal growth, individuals can learn to establish healthy boundaries and break the cycle of dysfunctional patterns from their upbringing.

Listed below are several types of boundaries to consider:

  • Personal Boundaries: These boundaries define a person's sense of self and separate them from others. An example would be a friend who continually drops by your home unannounced and it makes you feel uncomfortable.

  • Emotional Boundaries: These boundaries are the limits and guidelines we establish to protect our emotional well-being. Being mindful of toxic or draining relationships and certain topics of conversation that are emotional triggers for you such as animal cruelty, eating disorders or gun violence will help you establish strong emotional boundaries.

  • Physical Boundaries: These boundaries define the physical space and touch limits a person is comfortable with. An example would be feeling uncomfortable receiving hugs or physical contact from strangers or acquaintances.

  • Relationship Boundaries: Boundaries in relationships involve defining the roles, responsibilities, and expectations within that relationship. For example, you may desire a certain amount of alone time every week to focus on yourself apart from the relationship.

  • Time Boundaries: Prioritize tasks and allocate your time based on your goals and values. Learn to say no to time-consuming activities that don't align with your priorities. An example would be your friends inviting you to a girls' weekend, but it happens to be the same weekend you carved time out of your busy schedule to focus on yourself.

  • Material Boundaries: These boundaries pertain to personal possessions and resources. It involves defining what is shared and what is kept private. For example, a friend continually asks to borrow money and never pays you back.

People with strong boundaries tend to have higher self-esteem, experience less stress, and are better at effectively communicating their needs and limits to others. In contrast, a lack of boundaries can lead to issues like codependency, stress, and resentment.

Boundaries are not meant to be absolute; they are flexible and can be adjusted as needed in different situations and with different people. Honest and direct communication are key when dealing with boundaries, as respecting the boundaries of others is just as important as setting and enforcing your own.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set boundaries effectively:

  • Self Awareness: Start by understanding your needs, values, and limits. Reflect on what is important to you, what makes you uncomfortable, and what drains your energy. Self-awareness is the foundation for setting meaningful boundaries.

  • Identify triggers: Recognize situations or people that trigger the need for boundaries. Understanding your triggers can help you anticipate and prepare for boundary-setting.

  • Be Specific: Make your boundaries as clear and specific as possible. Use "I" statements to express your boundaries. For example, instead of saying, "People shouldn't interrupt me," you can say, "I need uninterrupted time to focus on my work."

  • Communicate Assertively: When it's time to set a boundary, do so assertively and respectfully. Clearly express your boundary without being aggressive or passive. An effective way to communicate boundaries is by using "When...then" statements. For instance, "When you raise your voice, then I will leave the conversation."

  • Be Consistent: Consistency is key to maintaining boundaries. Once you've set a boundary, enforce it consistently. This helps establish a clear expectation.

  • Prioritize Self-Care: Recognize that setting boundaries is an act of self-care. Prioritize your well-being and mental health by enforcing the boundaries that protect your peace and energy.

  • Practice Saying No: Learning to say "no" when necessary is an important part of setting boundaries. Politely decline requests or commitments that don't align with your values or priorities.

  • Establish Consequences: Consider what consequences will follow if someone crosses your boundaries repeatedly. These consequences should be reasonable and appropriate to the situation. For example, if a friend constantly cancels plans at the last minute, you might limit future commitments with that person.

  • Seek Support: Talk to trusted friends or family members about your boundaries and ask for their support in maintaining them. Sometimes, having allies can make it easier to stick to your boundaries.

  • Be Flexible When Needed: While it's important to maintain boundaries, there may be situations where flexibility is required. Assess each situation individually and be open to making exceptions when necessary, but ensure they align with your values and priorities.

  • Revisit and Adjust: Life changes, and so do your needs and boundaries. Be open to evolving and fine-tuning your boundaries to suit your current circumstances.

  • Stay Patient: Setting boundaries can be challenging, especially if you've been accommodating to others' needs for a long time. Be patient with yourself and with those around you as you establish and enforce your boundaries.

Establishing boundaries is a continuous journey, and it's normal to take time to feel at ease with it. As you progress, you'll develop greater confidence in expressing your needs and upholding healthy boundaries in all areas of your life.

Keep in mind that setting and sustaining boundaries is a skill that requires practice. It can be demanding, particularly when encountering resistance from others, yet it remains crucial for your well-being and personal empowerment.

Owner, Awaken With Nancy
Nancy Corsaut

"Boundaries aren't just a sign of a healthy relationship; they're a sign of


If you are wanting more personal support in establishing boundaries, please schedule an intuitive guidance session.

Sending good thoughts,


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